View from a rock wall, down into the river valley of the Verdon. Observation platform and starting point for breathtaking climbing experiences and hikes in beautiful, untouched nature.

How to Bring Back Nature’s Grandeur

By Eme Etim

Our nature is under threat and it needs our help. We are the ones who created the problem. Before solving a problem, we have to understand it first. I will tell you the kind of problem our Mother Nature is facing.

Our environment is secured when it is in order of what nature wants it to be. However, because of man’s insatiable desire, substances harmful to living things are introduced to the environment of living things. Thus, pollution is introduced. Noise pollution is one of the environmental inconveniences created by urbanization.

Noise pollution is an undesirable sound. It may not appear to be as harmful as other forms of pollution, but it has deleterious effects on human health, marine life and environmental quality. It could cause a hearing problem, cephalalgia, stress, aggression, high blood pressure and poor concentration.

So, why are we destroying nature with sounds that generate horrible discomfort? Be aware that the more convenient our lives become, the more nature is lost. The solution is in our hands. We can start by planting trees, install cubicles and wall partitions, invest in noise-cancelling headphones. We could also have a dedicated quiet space.

The noise pollution crisis wasn’t created overnight, and it certainly won’t be resolved in a day. However, it is vital that we raise awareness in schools, clubs, churches, companies, market places on the effects of noise pollution. In the same way, it’s the little, everyday actions that will make a difference in our battle against noise pollution.
This is the change we need to make because the Earth is not ours to exploit; that we should stop taking nature for granted; that we have the ability to stop noise pollution. It’s not a matter of “we can” – it’s that we must.

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