The Soft Life Era Isn’t Just A Trend, It’s The New Way Of Life

The Soft Life Era Isn’t Just A Trend, It’s The New Way Of Life

If you’ve spent ample time in the escapist realms of Tiktok and Instagram, then you know just what the Soft Life trend is about. Millennials and Gen Z are moving away from the hustle culture and stepping into the soft era that allows them to function from a place of rest and ease and ditching the hamster wheel of the daily grind.

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However, there is more to the Soft Life than bougie dinners, upscale vacations and earth-tone aesthetics. The Soft Life culture is intentionally focusing on self-care, rejecting the stress and anxiety that come with the rat race and instead, prioritising peace, doing what brings you joy and maintaining the wellness of your mental, emotional, and physical health.

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Incorporating the soft era into your personal life may look like these:

  1. Establish your boundaries. For every relationship you have in your life; whether it’s work or platonic, you need to have some balance in your life by establishing boundaries and saying “No” to requests that make you uncomfortable or are bad for your mental health. Honour your needs and clearly communicate the things you’re okay with and how you’ll like to be treated. That way, you can have healthy relationships with the people in your life
  2. Live intentionally. Living life on autopilot is reckless and unsustainable. You have to be deliberate about how you spend your time, money and energy. Identify the values that the happiest and best version of you embodies and actively work towards living experiences that are important to you and make you feel good
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The whole idea of the Soft Life is that there is no “hard” narrative. Asking for help when you need it is not a sign of weakness. The Soft Life way of life involves allowing yourself to be vulnerable and asking for and accepting help when you need it. There may be times when you have too much on your plate and are nearing a breaking point. Ask for help when you need it
  4. Manage stress. Encountering stress in our daily lives is almost inevitable. However, there are techniques to effectively reduce stress such as meditation, walking, getting enough sleep, therapy, etc.
  5. Take time off.  There will always be something demanding your attention or stuff to check off your to-do list. But, your mind and body aren’t designed to run on empty. Take time off to unplug and relax. This will greatly pay off for your mental health, creativity, productivity, and mood.
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