Sicknesses that occur in NYSC camp and how to avoid them

The various stressful activities corps members engage in at the NYSC orientation camp can make them more susceptible to certain illnesses. As a corps member, it helps to know these illnesses and take steps to avoid them. Have a look!

  • Malaria/Fever
    This is one of the most regular illnesses at camp and is caused by mosquito bites. Endeavor to use your mosquito-treated nets, mosquito repellent creams, and other items to minimize your exposure to the vector.
  •  Heat Stroke/Sunburn
    Except you are in the OBS (Orientation Broadcasting Service) or the Medical clinic, you are most likely spending most of your time in the sun because of the marching routines or SAED (Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development) seminars. Stay cool in the hot weather by wearing a light, white fabric, as well as your NYSC face cap. You can move around with a hand fan,

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  • Sprain, Strain, Dislocation and “Muscle pull”
    Your ankles, knees and wrists may be prone to sprains because of the intensive drills and rigorous marching activities in camp. To be a true warrior in camp, you must be prepared! Warm up exercises are essential before the main parade. So, wear comfortable clothing and avoid slippery or uneven surfaces.
  • Body- or head aches
    The many exercises and marching can result in body aches, headaches, muscle pain, dehydration and more. So, don’t be sacred if these come up. To prevent them, take short rest/breaks and lots of fluids – especially water – to keep hydrated.
     Hope you found this helpful, share with someone currently in camp.


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