If it’s happening on your campus, we want it on the Flexxzone!

Whatever the occasion might be, send us your campus gists and we’ll take it from there…

Welcome to the wonderful month of May Flexxer, may all good things come your way this month and forever.

It’s getting to the end of another academic year and we know how exciting and busy these times can be, from school elections to final year affairs, to departmental and faculty dinners and tons of other events.

Are there thrilling/newsworthy things happening in your school right now? Why don’t you share them with thousands of other Flexxers like you so they know how cool your school is.

Perks of being our campus correspondent includes being read by over 5,000 Flexxers, your name will be on all writings you send us, exclusive access to all our freebies and giveaways and so much more!

Being our campus reporter is a wonderful opportunity to kick-start and improve your writing skills, so what are you waiting for? Send in your campus gist with appropriate pictures (of the events) to theflexxzone@fcmb.com .


Before you hit the send button, quickly read our terms and conditions below.

All content published under Campus Gist is for informational purposes only and submitted by users of the website. FCMB makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein and will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information or for the availability of this information. All take-down notices should be sent to theflexxzone@fcmb.com


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