Wonderful things that happen to your body when you dance

If there is an activity that never gets boring or old, it is dance. Dancing is a more than just a fun activity, it’s also an exercise and does amazing things to your body. If you rocked any of these dance styles and are still rocking some more, here are some awesome things that happen to your body.

  • Improves the condition of your heart and lungs:  It causes an increase in your stamina which will make your heart rate steady for longer; this improves the condition of your heart and lungs.
  • Makes you fit: Dancing increases muscular strength by burning down fat and building muscle tone and strength.screen-shot-2016-12-21-at-2-21-17-pm
  • Makes you flexible and balanced: As you dance more and learn new steps, you become more flexible and this improves your posture, balance, and spatial awareness.
  • Allows for the growth of physical confidence and self-love: When dancing, you’re aware of the magic your body is creating and you love yourself even more!screen-shot-2016-12-21-at-2-20-37-pm
  • Enhances mental functioning: Dance boosts for positive general and psychological well-being. Dancing serves as an outlet for emotions and can curb depression; gives you a sharp memory as well.
  • Raises your self-confidence and esteem: Dancing makes you feel on top of the world and confident about yourself.screen-shot-2016-12-28-at-8-35-00-pm
  • Brushes up your social skills: If you’re an introvert or shy person, dancing can help you improve your social networking skills by serving as conversation starter/filler when you meet new people.

Thank God it’s Christmas and New year so there are tons of opportunities for you to dance and dance and dance. Do your body a world of goodness and dance some more Flexxer!



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