Pocket friendly first date ideas for the fun flexxer

So you met this really lovely chic and you hit it off with her real quick. Your head was so in the clouds that you asked her out for a date without putting your account balance in consideration, now you’re torn between cancelling the date/ embarrassing yourself or emptying your bank account for it. Not to worry, these wonderful date ideas ensure you have fun without breaking the bank.

  1. Visit a landmark or Historical centre: Few things makes a bond stronger than when people learn about shared histories and appreciate art. Want her to fall in love with you? Take her to a landmark and do lots of romantic stuff like walking around while holding hands, sitting under monuments and taking goofy pictures with the statues and art. Most historical sites rarely charge gate fees and the ones that do charge ridiculously low amounts like 200, 500 or a 1,000 naira. You can get good food around in the premises and just enjoy the beautiful scenery. Freedom park, Terra kulture, Art galleries and others are example of great places to flexx on a first date.
  2. Pizza and chill: The saying the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach also applies to a woman. Take her out to a pizza joint and enjoy the delicious goodness that comes with each bite, Some pizzerias sell for as low as 1,900 and you can also get drinks (Soft drinks, 200 and ice cream for as low as 200 naira too)
  3. Movies: Movies are great for a first date, serves as conversation fillers when you’re nervous and can’t think of stuff to talk about. Visiting the cinema on weekdays and or using your student ID (if you’re still one) gives you some cool discounts. Movie tickets prices ranges between 500 – 1500 naira. You can also get some popcorn and hotdog to snack on during the movie.

Have fun!

Got some other cool first date ideas? Sound off in the comments section.

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