The 4 things you need to get your first job

The job market isn’t welcoming and only the prepared make headway. As a fresh graduate, your degree shouldn’t be the only thing you have to offer an employer.

Here are some steps you can take to set yourself apart in the job market.

  1. Outline what you can do/ Know your specialty: As much as getting a job to get by is important, getting  a job to also improve your career path and professionalism is major. Before rounding up your nysc and or school, figure out your strength and what you’re very good at (it may not necessarily relate to what you studied in school) and the industry they fit in. List the companies you would like to work with and follow them on social media to keep abreast of their activities and notices.
  1. Internships and Volunteer jobs: Internships and volunteer activities give your CV the much needed boost it needs and act as stand ins for job experience. They also expand your network and put you in contact with people who are in the same industry you’re looking to work in.
  1.  Send inquiry letters: An inquiry letter is one of the best tools a fresh graduate could take advantage of in the competitive job market; it also known as a prospecting letter or letter of interest. You can send it to companies you’re interested in working with that may be hiring but haven’t advertised job openings. An inquiry letter puts you ahead of the game and tells a prospective employer that you have a genuine interest in their company.
  1.  Social media: Social media has proven over time to be a veritable job mine field, follow the companies (and the staff) you have interest in and job sites to be updated on job openings. Social media can also do your job prospects some harm depending on the type of content you post, employers have now developed the habit of checking prospective employees social media pages to get insights on their personalities. Avoid vulgar, derogatory and inflammatory remarks on your social media pages.


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