And the #FlexxYourCreativity winner is ….

If everywhere was cold on Friday, it def wasn’t for panelists at the FCMB #FlexxYourCreativity live demo. Shortlisted contestants were invited to create samples of their work, from scratch. Thread, beads, strings, african print pieces and all; our contestants literally got their hands dirty to show us their best work in 10 minutes!



Anita Ejah strung beads together so quick, we wondered what she was up to.



Chinonso Francis cut out this dress he was to accesorize like he was eating a plate of jollof.



Ruth’s focus on her piece was insane. You would think she was solving a maths problem


It was hard to keep up with the amazing speed these contestants created their work and it’s no wonder why they made the top 5 by public votes.

Need some convincing?

Here’s what some of the contestants presented in 10 minutes, remember, they created from scratch.

DSC_0469Chinonso Francis Chigbogu; a fashion and accessories designer adorned this dress with a beautiful sash and brooch using fabric materials that absolutely rocked! His choice of fabric and colours were definitely a win.


DSC_0461Ruth, who makes plain and patterned accessories with African prints made this adorable petal-like head piece. We are still awestruck by her work.


Anita made a bead wrist band, pair this with matching heels and the runway is yours.


While we gaped at the contestants’ display of talent, it was a fierce race for the top spot and we had a hard time selecting our grand prize winner.

You voted, we oohed and aahed, now we finally have our winners.

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Ruth Akinnola is our first prize winner, she walks home with cool NGN150,000 and will adorn models at the Dare2Dream grand finale with her accesories.

Chinonso Francis made second place and will go home with NGN100,000 and tickets to the grand finale.

Anita Ejah made third place and gets NGN50,000 and tickets to the grand finale.


From over 50 entries, down to 20, to 5 and now our top 3; #FlexxYourCreativity contest was absolute fun!


Congrats to all the winners and see you at the grand finale!

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