The 6 types of people you’ll meet on the queue for food in camp

If you didn’t have much of a choice but to eat camp food, then you must have met a couple of these people on the queue for food at camp. And if you happen to be one of the listed, simply signify by commenting.

The Mongers – These ones eat anything. My bunkmate was one of them. If a food from any region of the country was served, he had a story of where he had tasted it before.

The Tribalists – They only time they ever ate was if the food being served was from their village. They just weren’t ready to be doing experiment with their stomachs.

The Oyinbos – These ones only ate twice in Camp, they ate when rice was served and when yam was served. Any other food was too local, or had something wrong with it.

The Lankers – They only ate once in Camp, and that was the day Noodles was served. I could almost see the skeleton of everyone of them. I wonder what they ate al through Camp.

The Jollof Crew – The only time you’ll find this crew on the queue is if Jollof is being served. The don’t mind spending the entire afternoon in the sun as long as their plates were filled with delicious grains of Jollof rice. 

The Lavish spenders. This lot spend all of their money on food. Once it was taking too long to get to their turn, they simply turn around and head to mami market. I think all of their camp allowances and allowee were spent on food.

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What crew did you belong to? Be sure to share your thoughts! 😀

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