Winning the war against pimples

We know, pimples are annoying, and the worst part is treating them. So we will share with you ways to avoid them. First, you need to know what causes them and no, it is NOT GROUNDNUT! It’s your oil glands clog.

These tips would help you:

  • Cleanliness is next to spotlessness – WASH YOUR FACE as often as you can. Bacteria is not seen but it is there and even more when your face is dirty. So, as much as you can, make sure your face is clean. Three washes in a day should do the trick.
  • Touch your face less often – The hands are the official carriers of germs and bacteria, they touch everything and then absorb bacteria. It’s only unfair to the face when you subject it to sharing this, by touching it all the time.
  • Take Veggies and Smoothies – No cosmetic does the trick as much as natural healthy foods. Include veggies and smoothies in your daily meals.
  • Take a Chill Pill – Yes, stress causes pimples. Chill. Go to the spa, get a massage, see a movie. Take some time out to consciously relax.
  • Ice, Honey and Lemons – Before we go all cosmetic and orthodox, try these out. They work wonders. Rub them on your face once in a while, they are for your face and not for your mouth.

There you have it, instead of making pimples a thing of the past, let’s try to make sure they never existed!

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