6 kinds of guys you’ll meet before finding the one

Before meeting your prince charming, you’ll probably be kissing a few frogs (if you’re unlucky, maybe over a dozen). These guys are not bad but they’re just not good for you.

The Older Guy.  He’s very smart, knows the right things to say, doesn’t stress you, treats you almost like a little sister but because you’re 22 and he’s 37, he plays the father figure and sometimes to the extreme.

The Vain Guy. His looks are priority and because of his exquisite taste, you’ll probably end up spending all of your savings to match his style.

The Ambitious Guy. This guy is forever restless. Always on the chase for the next big thing and barely has time for your relationship. When you decide to leave him, he tells you you’ll come looking for him when he’s successful. Good riddance!

The “You’re-Like-Like-A-Brother-To-me”. You never take his advances serious because he’s morphed from your friend into your brother and you don’t “like him like that”. He’ll try to convince you a relationship with him will be fantastic because he loves you enough for the both of you.

The Most Wanted. He acts like he’s God’s gift to women and is doing you a favour by dating you. His phone buzzes incessantly with messages from several girls and claims he’s the hunted and not the hunter. Next!!!

The One. He’s smart, handsome, funny and connects with you on all levels. He takes interest in you like no one ever has and you discover you BOTH have an awful lot in common. Swoon!
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