Soft skills

You Cannot Get A Job In This Century Without These Soft Skills

You Cannot Get A Job In This Century Without These Soft Skills (AIRTEL 5537 1204 4066 4784 )

Unless your uncle is the owner of the company or knows someone that knows someone, you need certain soft skills to get a legit job in the 21st century.

While most jobs require specific skills and requirements, like a computer programmer skill for someone who studied computer science, all jobs require basic soft skills that are also necessary for a company’s growth.

Soft skills make it easier to form relationships with people, create trust and dependability, and lead teams.

So, what are these soft skills?

1. Team Player

soft skills

Top companies intent on competing in this digital age have come to realise that it takes more than a first-class degree to do a job. They want to see how you can brainstorm ideas with your colleagues and come up with mind-blowing innovations that will propel the company forward.

Teamwork reduces conflict and makes the environment more conducive for potential employees. A team player listens, takes corrections, is cooperative and asks for help. So, are you a team player or still claiming to be a lone wolf?

2. Communication

soft skills

It doesn’t matter whether you are a customer care representative or an art curator. Communication skills are sought after today. You have to have the ability to converse fluently with, colleagues, clients, vendors, visitors and so on. You have to be able to relay your message effectively without confusing the receivers.

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3. Handling pressure


Have you ever been asked at an interview ‘How do you handle pressure?’ E get why. While you are busy coming up with some elaborate scheme to wow them, keep in mind that they simply want to know how you manage your emotions and that of others around you. Do you bawl into tears or freeze when faced with difficulty? How emotionally intelligent are you?

4. Problem Solving


Will your response be ‘I don’t know’ to a problem or are you going to find a solution. Since there is nothing new under the sun, every problem equally has a solution, but do you have what it takes to find it?

To become a problem solver, you must be one who researches and consume information, you need to be proactive and willing to take responsibility, be able to think outside the box and proffer new perspectives to issues arising.

5. Be Confident

This is the first thing employees notice about you. It is not cockiness or pride. It is you confirming that you know how to do what you do in the best way. Employees do not want timid followers, they want you to be able to speak up and come up with ideas.

The company of today does not seek to employ ghost workers. You can’t sit idle all day doing some routine chore over and over. You need to be creative and rub that creativity off on your company.

Do you believe you possess all 5 soft skills?


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