
Are You Tired Of Almost Everything? 6 Ways To Motivate Yourself

Lara opened her mail sluggishly and wasn’t surprised to see a query letter from HR. Could this motivate her? Will she get back the drive and passion she joined the company with, knowing her strategy documents have been completely cliche and lacking in creativity?

She was just tired of everything. Tired of the job, tired of seeing the same faces talking about mundane stuff. If she continued this way, she’d never get promoted or worst still, she’d be forced to resign. But what can she do?

Have you ever gotten to the point where you are tired? You can’t seem to motivate yourself, and you’re unwilling to try? It could be your job, a project or other personal endeavours, whatever the case may be, it most likely leads to procrastination, unproductivity, giving up and worst still, depression.

So, how do you stay motivated and running with the vision again?

1. Always remind yourself why you started in the first place

motivate yourself

Why are you doing what you’re doing in the first place? If your reason is meaningful and essential to you, then let it be your driving force. That is one way to motivate yourself, hold on to the ‘Why’. Why did I start this job? Why did I study for this exam? Why am I dating Mathew? If you can answer your ‘whys’ genuinely, it can help you stay motivated.

2. Think about the result


The end they say justifies the means. When you are done with that which you started, what will the future look like? For example, Lara can see herself as a brand ambassador, but she has to work her way up the ladder first. Looking at the result can also be the motivation you need.

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3. Talk to someone

If you have gone through the first two methods and still not motivated, you should talk to someone who can relate or be knowledgeable. A counsellor, a wise friend, a parent or even your spiritual head. Keeping quiet about the matter keeps it buried in you, which can result in anxiety, picking up bad habits and depression. But talking to someone about it, give you relief first from letting it out and secondly and hopefully, a solution.

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4. Surround yourself with the right stuff

Watching TV all day or surfing through the internet and seeing pictures of people who seem to have achieved way more than you, will most likely leave you unmotivated. Instead, surround yourself with encouragement, happy folks, self-help books, religious gatherings, social clubs, meetings and seminars, anything to keep you happy and motivated.

5. Take one step at a time

self motivation

You’ve heard the saying; it did not take a day to build Rome. The same goes for your dreams and aspirations. To achieve them, you have to start. No matter how small, contribute a moment each day towards achieving your set goals and each time you look back to see how far you have come, you will be motivated.

6. It’s not over until you win

That is a saying by Les Brown, a renowned motivational speaker. ‘It’s not over until I win.’
Life isn’t a bed of roses. You will be faced with challenges, obstacles and rejection, but if the likes of Thomas Edison (after failing 999 times) had given up, we wouldn’t be attributing the Light bulb saga to his name. So, when you fail, you have just found one way that doesn’t work, and it’s time to try another. Don’t give up just yet.

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