Movies you should absolutely see this holiday

The Christmas holiday is the best time to Flexx and as stated in our post here, we’re committed to making sure you have the best time of your life while spending less! As our esteemed Flexxer, you get to pay only 50% of your movie ticket fee when you pay with any of your FCMB debit card, this means you get to watch 2 movies for the price of one throughout this month!

Here are some must watch movies this holiday.

The Wedding Party: The much anticipated “The Wedding Party” movie will be released to the cinemas on the 16th of December so go get your tickets now!!! The star studded movie is packed with all the wahala and excitement of your typical Nigerian wedding.

Moana: This animation is melting everyone’s heart this Christmas, it’s about a determined teenager who sails out on a daring mission to prove herself, she meets the once-mighty demigod Maui, and together, they fight monsters and achieve the impossible.

Fantastic beasts and where to find them: This fantastic movie is a prequel to the famous Harry Potter series and if you love Harry Potter, you’ll definitely love it!

Dr strange: This is the movie version of the classic Doctor Strange cartoon, a surgeon who lost use of his hands in a ghastly motor accidents finds hope in an ancient temple and now he must save the world from dangerous mystical creatures.

Brother Jekwu: This movie will have you rolling on the floor with laughter, it tells the tale of a local champion who travels from Nigeria to Kenya to work for a female boss.

Birth of a nation: This movie is set in the wilds of Black Slavery and discrimination, it explores the travails of black slaves and the resistance of Nat Turner. It is absolutely brilliant and might draw a tear or two from your eyes.

Which of these movies are you seeing at half the normal price first this holiday?


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