10 Hacks To Make Your Life Better In 2023

10 Hacks To Make Your Life Better In 2023

10 Hacks To Make Your Life Better In 2023

Do you want to make sure your resolutions for 2023 are not just a “To-Do” list for the first two weeks of the year? Then you have to manifest the life you desire with these 10 hacks that will make your life better this new year.

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Incorporating these hacks into your daily routine will significantly increase your productivity and make 2023 a memorable year indeed.

Wake up early. Early risers are high achievers. Waking up before everyone will give you an early start on your tasks and have you accomplish much on a daily basis. Whether you’re a morning person or not, try and ease yourself into waking up early.

Tip: Go to bed earlier than your usual time and then set an alarm with a tone that isn’t dreadful

Eat healthily. Make it a duty to have at the very least ONE fruit or vegetable in your daily meals and slowly build up the habit of eating healthily

Exercise. Getting 20 – 30 minutes of exercise can improve your mental health and overall being. Exercising gets your blood flowing and in turn, increases your productivity and gets you in shape

Practise gratitude. I’m sure you must have heard the term “Gratitude is the best Attitude”The secret to having more is to be thankful for that which you already have. Practising gratitude helps you maintain a positive outlook on life and opens you to a multitude of goodwill and opportunities. Look inward and around you, there’s something to be thankful for.

Set daily goals. Your to-do list may be filled with several tasks and can be overwhelming. Rather, think of a single goal you need to accomplish for the day and break it down into multiple tasks.

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Get out in the sun more. Your serotonin (feel-good hormones) increases dramatically when you’re in bright sunlight and this little gesture has been researched to reduce depression, anxiety and increase happiness. So also, going out in the early bright sunlight will help with your vitamin D production.

Create a dedicated workspace and keep it clean. With most people working remotely or hybrid these days, it is important to create a workspace that isn’t filled with distractions and is void of clutter. This will enable you to focus and be more productive

Focus on progress, not perfection. Nothing is ever truly perfect; your focus should be on getting a task/job done. Take pride in doing a good job but don’t waste time on it trying to make it perfect

Set boundaries. Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Decide early on in the year the people and things you will give your time and energy to. Set standards, be assertive with them and watch your life dramatically experience peace

Quit overthinking. You can’t control everything; just let it be. I mean, isn’t that the beauty of life?


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