Beautiful young woman twisting her right knee while training outdoors

If You’re Struggling with The FitFam Life This Year, We Feel You

People who made resolutions to be healthy at the beginning of the year, how una dey? We’re in the ninth month of the year, so it’s not a bad idea to review your progress so far, isn’t it?

Well, maybe we should cut ourselves some slack because it’s been a whirlwind of a year. If you’re struggling with the fitfam life, you might agree with the following things:

Drinking green tea after eating junk food all day


Some days, you just decide to indulge in some junk food and sweet treats. Afterwards, you drink a cup of green tea to detoxify your system and make you feel less guilty about breaking your strict diet. Ojoro cancel ojoro.

When you’re eating a burger and you see your mates showing their fitness progress on Twitter


Na wa oh. “So some of you are still working out? In a pandemic?”

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Whenever you eat dinner at 9:00 and you remember your fitness goals


After promising to eat dinner before 7:30, you’re eating Eba before bed.

When you see your family members eating all kinds of food and you can’t join them


It’s even worse when your siblings come to your food to eat in your face.

When you get a notification that Chloe Ting has uploaded another fitness video


‘Who sent me to start this fitness journey?’

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When your accountability partner checks up on you


Now you’re wondering if you should tell the truth or just lie.

You, after 10 push-ups:


‘Once again, who sent me message?’

When you check your weight on the scale

I cannot believe my eyes

Wonders shall never end.

You, when you heard restaurants were open


Finally! Time to grab your mask, hand sanitizer and wallet!

But then, you remembered your intermittent fasting goal



Sneaking into the kitchen at midnight to eat


Body no be firewood, after all. Man must chop.

You, resisting the urge to eat bread:


‘How am I supposed to give up bread of all things?’ 😭 😭

When you realize you’re on your fourth cheat day


You had one cheat day and now, you’ve extended it to three more days. Well done oh.

When you’re about to quit exercising, then you see a hot girl/ guy in full work out gear on the road


All of a sudden, there’s motivation.

What are the biggest fitfam struggles you’ve experienced this year?

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