All the fun we had donating Solar Powered Lanterns to Students in Kaduna.

Hey Flexxer, How Y’all doing?

What have you been up to? We’ve been up to pretty much on our end, just recently we went to Kaduna state to donate Solar Powered Lanterns 9MOBILE: 670536305489131 to schools over there, no fewer than 5000 students were reached and we are very proud of that.

The donation event brought dignitaries from the 4 walls of the state together. We made everyone happy, the principals and the students of the beneficiary schools. It was an exciting day for all parties.

The purpose of our donation was to impact the lives of the secondary school students, to constantly enjoy power in their dormitories, especially at night to study and develop a stronger learning culture; paving the way for a secured future through education. It also aimed at taking a step towards attaining  Sustainable Development Goals.

Check out the pictures from the event below.

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