Want to start your small business this year? Read this

It’s a new year and one of the best times to start something you’ve always wanted to do, if one of your #2018Goals is to start your own small scale or campus business, then you are reading the right article. The Flexxzone is a goldmine of resources, support and advise to young entrepreneurs and in this post, we’re going to be looking at some of the posts you need to read and opportunities to take advantage of  if you want to start your own business this year.

  • Do you know what business you want to venture into? Our post here suggests some profitable small businesses to run on campus or anywhere else really, you just have to find a way to make it unique to your customers.
  • Now you know what you want to do but have you considered these 5 things before taking the first step in starting up your business? No? We suggest you do.
  • Now that you’re sure, you need a business plan and you know we’ve always got your back. Let the simple tips in this our self help post here guide you.
  • There are very few businesses that you can run without proper and adequate funding, thinking of how to raise all that money? Not to worry, we’ve got some wonderful ideas for you in this nice article on how to raise funds for your business. You can also apply to the #FlexxYourCreativity contest this year to win some money to grow your business, stay tuned to the Flexxzone for updates.
  • You know you’re an entrepreneur now and you need to think like one, reading the kinds of books top and successful entrepreneurs have read is a solid step to becoming one, our post here has some suggestions.
  • We totally understand that the entrepreneurial journey can be tough, daunting and downright stressful for everyone especially young, smart and hardworking Flexxers like you but there are people who have been in your shoes and are now very successful CEOs and business owners. Let their stories inspire you to your own entrepreneurial greatness, read all about them here.
READ  The easiest way you can make money this February.

These are just some basic things to get your started on your journey to being a smart and financially independent adult, check out the other posts in our “Entrepreneurial” category to learn all you need to make your business a successful one.


Good luck Flexxer! or should we say CEO/Founder?


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