The easiest way to become a flexxing millionaire

Hey Flexxer,

So there’s this really cool thing we do, where we give away 2 million Naira to 4 people, 1 million Naira each to 12 people and other top-range gifts to over 50 people. It’s called The ‘’FCMB Millionaire Promo and the 4th season just kicked off, which means you can be one of them. Woohoo!

This year’s season runs from March 1st to October 30th and all you have to do to win is save N10,000.00 in your Flexx FCMB account and maintain it for 30 days. This automatically qualifies you for the Zonal and Regional electronic selection of winners that will hold in May, July, and September. The star prize of N1 Million and other fantastic prizes will be won. Multiple savings of N10, 000.00 will increase your probability of winning.

The N2 Million star prize and other consolation prizes such as  LED TVs, Generating sets, Tablets, Phones and Decoders would be up for grab at the grand finale of the promo scheduled for. To qualify for the grand finale draws in November 2017, increase your account balance savings to N50, 000.00, and maintain for 30 days. Multiple savings of N50, 000.00 will also increase your chances of winning.
Promo runs from March 1st to October 2017. So what are you waiting for Flexxer? Start saving in your Flexx account now! Don’t have a Flexx account? Get one here now!


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