10 types of people you’ll meet in school hostel

Being in the higher institutions opens up a whole world of experiences and meeting of all sorts of people. Whether you stay in school hostel or hostels and apartments outside school, you must have met or will meet these types of people.

  1. The borrow borrow: Is school life ever complete without those hostel mates that come knocking for matchsticks, oil, butter, sugar, salt, perfume etc.?
  2. The noisemaker: There is no time of the day you pass his/her room and wouldn’t hear loud music banging from their speakers.
  3. The fighters: These ones fight with everybody, roommates, classmates, hostel cleaner, drivers and so on.
  4. The food hunters: These students have a superpower that lets them know the exact time the food you’re cooking gets ready, so they visit right as you’re about to down your first bite.
  5. The squatter: They never get any room of their own, they’re always squatting with someone else and what’s worse, sometimes they bring another squatter to squat with them.
  6. The entrepreneur: From pure water, to airtime, to eggs, to jewelry, to underwear, to clothing items, there is always that one or two students who sell them in each hostel block.
  7. The honorary/professional student: they’ve been in school for so long, everyone respects them and no one ever asks them what level they’re in now. They mostly stay outside school.
  8. The scholar: Always with one book or the other, night class chiefs, first to get to class, by their CGPA you shall know them.
  9. The preacher: Anytime you run into these students, they are on their way to fellowship. They always call everyone brother “this and sister that”. Who else remembers their anthem “wake up, it’s time for morning devotion”.
  10. The gossip box: Want the latest gist about anyone or anything in school? Their room is the hotspot, some are so good, they bring the gist to your room.

What other types of people did you meet in school?

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