About the fit life: Push ups

Hey fitfams, your journey to a super healthy body should include push ups because they’re one of the best exercises for increasing metabolism, developing muscles, shaping the body, makes you stronger and doesn’t require a gym membership or equipment.

Here’s a step by step basic push up guide.

  • Get into a high plank position 

Place your hands firmly on the ground directly under shoulders like this.


Make sure your toes are well grounded into the floor to provide stability to the lower half of your body like this.screen-shot-2016-10-13-at-3-08-28-pm

While in this position, tighten your abs, stomach muscles and flatten your back so your entire body is neutral and straight.

  • Slowly lower your body to the ground

While lowering yourself slowly onto the floor,  you must keep your back straight and your eyes staring at something in front of you.screen-shot-2016-10-13-at-3-05-55-pm

 Let your chest graze the floor slightly, do not collapse, put all your body weight on the floor or spread your arms on the floor, your butt shouldn’t dip or stick out at any point during the move. It is important that your body remains in a straight line from neck to toe. 

  • Then push back upscreen-shot-2016-10-13-at-3-06-18-pm

Breathe out as you push back up to the starting position. Annnd that’s one push up done!

Repeat the steps like 10 0r 20 times or how many times your body can make.

Welcome to the fit life.


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