The different types of interviews and how to ace them

When it comes to interviewing candidates for a job position, there are different ways recruiters go about it. Job searching and interview stage might look daunting to fresh graduates and job seekers but with the #FlexxCareerSeries, you’re guaranteed to come out winning no matter the type of interview.


  • The Traditional Interview


This is the most popular interview type in the country: usually occurs in the office of the interviewer or the boardroom with you facing either one single interviewer or a group of people and answer questions that will help them decide if you’re the perfect fit for the job.


  • The Video Interview


Thanks to technology and ground breaking innovations, there are now video (Skype) interviews. It’s almost like the traditional interview except the interviewee and interviewers are miles apart. Some candidates even send in their CVs in video format now.


  • The Phone Interview


Most people have probably been in a phone interview but never knew. A phone interview is usually the first screening round in the interview process when you are asked to come in for a full interview, so whatever you say and how you say it during the call can give the recruiter an impression about you. Some recruiters also conduct the full interviews on the phone.


  • The Group Interview


Group interviews are mostly used when the company wants to hire a lot of people for the same role like sales or internship positions. To stand out in the group interview, you have to be smart, well dressed and articulate when asked questions, more than half of the time, candidates are asked to take aptitude tests in group interviews.


  • The Lunch Interview
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Ever been interviewed over a meal? Most recruiters do this when they’re really interested in the candidate and wants to get to know you outside the confines of the office. This is a good opportunity to show how you will represent the company outside if you’re hired. You probably should brush up on meal etiquettes before meeting a recruiter for a lunch/brunch interview.


  • The Impromptu Interview


This mostly occurs at career fairs where you have only 5 – 15 minutes to sell yourself to recruiters and be given a chance to come in for a full interview. This type of interview will test your time management and oratory skills so practice properly before attending one.

Tips from HR managers of leading organizations in the country have been compiled here in the #FlexxCareerSeries to give you the upper hand in your job search. Start learning to start winning!

Which of these interview types have you been a part of and how was it for you? Share with us in the comments sections and don’t forget to share these post with your friends and families.

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