5 Tips For Breast Cancer Prevention

5 Tips For Breast Cancer Prevention

5 Tips For Breast Cancer Prevention (AIRTEL 0032 4963 7441 2197)

The month of October is set aside to create awareness and sensitize us on the importance of getting checked and tested for breast cancer. Even though breast cancer affects women, a couple of men have been known to be diagnosed with breast cancer; this disease impacts both genders and lifestyle changes such as these can be made to lower your risk.

Know your risk – Prevention starts first with knowledge. Has there been a family member who has been diagnosed with either breast or ovarian cancer in the past? You may be at an increased risk if you have a family with a history of this disease.

Check yourself regularly – Know your body and understand when it’s going through changes. When conducting self-checks, look for a change in colour and texture, itchiness, soreness or rash on your nipples, a change in size or shape of the breast, a lump or thickening in the breasts, nipple pain, discharge or even bleeding. If something feels off, ensure you get checked by a healthcare professional.

Quit smoking – The health risks that come with smoking are numerous; not only does smoking weaken the immune system, but it also has the potential to damage or changes your cell DNA.

Stay active – A sedentary lifestyle will lead to grave health issues. Staying active is a key factor in staying healthy. Exercise for at least 5 days a week, maintain a good Body Mass Index (BMI) and be physically active

Symptoms or not – get screened – While you may be young now, it is never too early to speak with a medical professional and get tested.

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