First aid items every student must have

We can bet your first reaction after reading the title of this post is “pfft, what do I need a first aid box for ?” Right?

But do you remember those random trips, cuts, sprains, bursts of acne, rashes and so many little home accidents that have you or your friends scurrying up and down hostel corridors for someone with cotton wool or Robb or even spirit?

Well yeah, this post is to remind you of the importance of having these items handy because while you might not expect emergencies, you can be prepared for them. Just pick up these items next time you go shopping for provisions because you almost never find them when you need them the most.


  1. Cotton wool/ Cotton buds: We don’t even need to start explaining the importance of these two, just get them. ok?
  2. Iodine: Iodine is every child’s fear whenever they get injured but it is your best bet for stopping bleeding from a cut or bruise, yes it will sting but you’ll be fine.
  3. Methylated spirit: from cleaning injuries, bruises, stains on clothes to killing many bacteria and germs instantly thereby preventing infections in sores. Spirit got your back.
  4. Lip balm: when harmattan comes knocking, you’d be so glad you have this. Trust us.
  5. Menthol Balm/ Salicylate (Robb): after running around or playing football, what come to your rescue when you have those sprains and muscle spasms? You got it. When you’ve got catarrh and your nostrils are blocked? You got it!
  6. Adhesive Bandage: popularly known as “plaster” You can buy it in small, medium and large for all sizes of cuts.
  7. Painkillers: Paracetamol, panadol, Ibruprofen, felvin and the rest can simply not be thanked enough for coming to our rescue during those times our heads won’t stop banging.
  8. Antibiotic ointment: this is good for prevention of  infections in a wound or minor burn, the most popular type is the penicillin ointment.
  9. Vaseline or Shea Butter: these two have so many uses, they’re practically indispensable. From being makeshift lip balms, body creams to wound gauze, massage cream and even treatment of mild skin irritations, they are lifesavers
  10. Talc powder: especially the ones with menthol, no heat wave or rashes can touch your flawless skin.


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Other important items are blades, scissors and Ice blocks. Lifesavers, all of them!

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