conversation starters

6 Conversation Starters While Networking At A Business Event

Conversation starters aren’t tough, are they? You simply open your mouth and say something nice. But how many times have you attended a business conference, met a lot of stunning people but still returned home without bonding or exchanging contact with anyone?

Saying something nice is not enough. If you say; ‘that’s a nice dress you have on’ and she says ‘thank you’, that conversation can still end right there unless you ‘up’ your game. Your conversation has to be strategic, yet not rehearsed.

Why do you want to speak to this person? Is it in hopes of developing a partnership, getting a mentor, an investor or just making a friend? Approach your target with the right mindset and relaxed while you work your magic.

1. I am a big fan of your work.

This is one thing big people in their industries love to hear. If you told a movie star you loved his acting, even though he has heard it a hundred times, he will still receive it with a fulfilling smile. So when you approach someone big in the chosen industry, praise their work. But you better know what you’re talking about, because you cannot leave it at just that one sentence. When you mention specific projects, they begin to eagerly tell you what went down.

2. What brought you to this event?

You can start this conversation with the person sitting right next to you or anybody else. It is a safe topic and does not put them in a self-defence mode that comes from asking personal questions. When the person answers your question, he/she is likely to ask you the same thing. You get a chance to explain why you’re there and how it can benefit your business. This way, they already know what you do or what your speciality is.

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3. Wow! So, how did you handle it?

Of course, it doesn’t have to be in those exact words, the bottom line is that you show interest in what they are talking about and not that you are just waiting to ask the next question or exchange phone numbers.

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4. Can you advise me on this?

It is a form of flattery. It shows that you value their opinion whether they are a senior colleague or of the same level as you. Just make sure you listen, with meaningful interruptions to show that you are following.

5. This is so great. What conference will you be attending next?

Viola. Now you have a list of conferences and events to attend and people to attend them with. When you ask this, you will be amazed as to how many places they intend to go to. By tagging along, you broaden your knowledge and grow your network.

6. Can we have lunch together, sometime?

Please, don’t ask someone to lunch when you have not yet developed a string of conversation and some level of familiarity. Once you’ve covered the conversation starters above, you can boldly ask ‘with your full chest’. This way, you get to exchange numbers and leave a glint of hope that the relationship is going to be a good one. If you keep to your words and actually take them to lunch, that’s an added bonus for you.

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