#Back2School: How to make the best of the fresh academic session.

Summer vacation or the long holiday as we popularly know it is over and we know a lot of our flexxers will be resuming their higher education (our heart goes to the flexxers affected by the ongoing ASUU strike).

For those who have just resumed an academic session, now is the best time to make good use of the resources available to you so that you can end the academic year with happiness and contentment.

Here are some ways to make the best use of the new session.

  • Set your goals for the new academic year: This should be one of the first things to do once school resumes. Your goal should be focused on improving yourself academically and other aspects of your life (like a campus business or savings goal). You can set a goals to achieve a certain number of CPGA by the end of the session.
  • Make a plan: Your ideas and goals are just what they are until you actually start working on them and one of the first step is setting plan and a timeline of activities. Your plan should include all that you will need and have to do to achieve your goals.
  • Do all your registrations and make payments on time: The best time to get your registration started and male payments is at the beginning of the session when the other students aren’t rushing to do same and school staff have free time to attend to you properly. This will save you the stress of last minute rush that most students experience.
  • Don’t miss lectures: We know that the first few weeks of lectures have this lazy feel as some students never resume on time, however ensure you attend lectures as everyone is refreshed/relaxed from the break during this period and lecturers are really nice and share insights that will help you all academic year long.
  • Have fun: Yasss, ensure you do have fun as this is one of the freest period in an academic year. So, make plans with your friends, attend fresher and orientation events and just have as much fun as you can.
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XOXO Flexxer.

Wishing you a wonderful academic year!

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