prank gone wrong

Hey, Flexxers, Check Out These Pranks Gone Wrong!

Remember the story about the ‘boy that cried wolf’? That is a bad example of a prank gone wrong. He tricked the town into thinking a wolf was attacking him, and when they came to his rescue, he laughed at them. When a wolf truly came and he cried out, no one came out, thinking it was another prank. Yikes.

Well, let’s not go that deep, right? We are going to be rehashing some funny pranks that turned out not to be so funny in the end, solely for your entertainment.


1. Putting that Relationship to the test

This was orchestrated by a guy who believed his babe would never deny him. So he decided to prank her with Lagos Prank lord, Edgar Eriaka. Babe denied her boyfriend when told she would be video vixen for Davido only if she was single.

2. Rough play

They threw fireworks at him and he came out with a gun. Somebody could have gotten hurt. Don’t try this with anyone that owns a loaded gun.

3. The romance is gone

Good thing the prank is over the guy had legit decided to end the romance when he thought his babe pooped in his car. He has been the one doing all the pranking and the Chic decided to pay him back.

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4. Romeo and Juliet

Okay, this one wasn’t real. He planned with a soldier friend to shoot him at close range while he bled to death in front of his girlfriend, but she took the gun from the soldier and shot herself in the head. Genge… plot twist.

5. A taste of his own medicine

prank gone wrong


According to Edgar, the prankster’s quote on Instagram, he said: “Stop pranking people, Stop pranking people I did not hear. God saved my life”. Some people have had enough of his pranks. LOL.

6. Take my earpiece, but you better give me AirPods, or else…😡

…Or get juice dunked on you. It’s nice to have Earpiece replaced with AirPods, but if you don’t say you are about to cut a dude’s Earpiece, you could punch in the face.

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