take a break

Take A Break, Go Get A Shower!

Have you ever been watching a movie or series on Netflix and a message pops up asking, ‘Are you still there’? The message should be changed to ‘Take a break, go get a shower 9MOBILE: 675580214854597’!

Working remotely does not mean you have to stink up the whole place. It is so easy to forget to bathe, brush your teeth, rub your cream and practise other self-care and grooming, after all, you are not going anywhere.

True talk. But, we can still do a little here and there so that when we do step out, we’ll be doing it with freshness and beauty.

1. Get into the bathroom

take a break

Do not spend the whole day on the bed or watching movies. Still, maintain personal hygiene by taking your bath and brushing your teeth. You do not want to come out of the lockdown with a body and mouth odour.

2. Use your body cream

take a break

Smell nice and tantalizing by using your body cream and keeping your skin moisturized.

3. Continue with your skincare routine

Were you using a cleanser and facial scrubs? Well, continue. Those blackheads won’t go on their own.

4. Eat good food

It will reflect on your outlook. If you eat anyhow and come out bloated, OYO is your name. Prepare healthy meals.

5. Maintain your hair

Unless you are trying to turn your hair into ‘Dada’, there is no reason why you shouldn’t comb and oil it. Do not let it dry out and don’t forget to wash it.

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6. Stay hydrated

Drinking water is not only good for your overall health but also reflects on your skin and hair. So drink enough water and stay hydrated.

7. Wear clean clothes

If you have been wearing the same singlet for one week now, raise your hand. Hah! You’ve been ousted. Keep your clothes clean.

8. Wash your bed sheet

Do not leave out your bedspreads, sheets and pillowcases.

9. Keep your room clean

Take out the filth and keep your room clean.

10. Keep up with your summer body exercise

Are you still busy ogling slay queens with hourglass shapes and guys with six-packs on Instagram? Drop that phone and drop down for some exercises that will give you that summer body you’ve been craving. See our article on Summer Body 2020.

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