
What’s The Weirdest Food Combo You’ve Ever Eaten?

For a lot of people, the best experiments don’t happen in the laboratory; they take place somewhere else- the kitchen.

It’s not hard to see why, though: sometimes, you’re tired of eating the same thing, so you decide to switch it up. Other times, you’re probably broke, so you decide to make some ‘magic’ with random ingredients in the kitchen. Next thing you know, you’ve created a weird food combo.

There are classic food combos such as popcorn & groundnut, yam & akara and beans & bread, that we all know and love. However, we did some research, asked some questions and discovered some food combos that are just as weird as they are rare.

Take a look!

Oats, Yams & Pepper


Yep, you read that right. You boil your yams first, then you add your oats and peppers (red, yellow and green) into two slices of yam, like a sandwich.

Pap and ground pepper


We’re not even joking. It turns out ground/dried pepper works as a ‘substitute’ for sugar. This is a real meal, y’all.

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Fried Garri, Crayfish and Eggs

These are three meals that ideally have nothing to do with each other but somehow, people have found a way to make it work! All you need to do is take out your pan, heat it with some cooking oil and add some garri. Next up, ass the crayfish and break some eggs into it. Bon Appetit!

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Bread and Noodles


Bread is a very versatile meal, so maybe it isn’t so surprising that noodles have become one of its accompaniments.

Yam and Noodles


A food travesty of epic proportions. That’s what this is.

Coco Pops and Groundnut


Now, this one’s not that bad. Oh wait, it is.

Bread and Pap

What happened to butter? jam? Nutella? cheese or even mayonnaise?

Rice and Yam

It turns out this is a pretty popular food combination. If there’s anything called a carbohydrate overload, this is it.

Noodles and Akara


These two things have absolutely nothing to do with each other if we’re being honest. But with all the strange things happening this year, this is probably the least of the world’s worries.

Rice and Okra


Curiosity might not kill the cat but it could lead to food poisoning. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

What are some other weird food combinations that you’ve tried out? Share them in the comments section!

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