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Does Your Resume Include Any Of These Mistakes?

If you’ve been submitting job applications for a while without being granted any interview so far, you might be understandably frustrated. From receiving rejection emails to hearing absolutely nothing, an unsuccessful job application hurts.

However, it could also be a sign that you need to go back to the drawing board. While many factors could cause your application to ‘go into voicemail’ (some of which might not be your fault), one major factor to look at is the quality of your resume.

Does your resume include any of these mistakes? Let’s find out, so you can make amends:

Grammatical/ Typographical Errors


Grammatical errors could ruin your chances of leaving a great first impression on your recruiter(s). A resume that is filled with errors could lead your employers to view you as an applicant that isn’t meticulous or articulate enough. Ensure that you proofread your resume thoroughly to spot and correct any mistakes.

Including Irrelevant Work Experience


Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to include every single job you’ve worked in your resume. You might have worked as a swimming coach or a baker at a confectionery shop. Still, if you’re applying for a job as a software developer at a company, such experience might be deemed irrelevant. You should only highlight job experiences that are somewhat related to the job you are applying for.

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Using Illegible Fonts and Formats


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It’s important to remember that your resume is meant to be read, examined and understood. Don’t make yours look illegible in an attempt to flex your designs skills or make it look trendy or cute. Also, ensure that your fonts are not too small, as this could be a major turn-off.

Incorrect Contact Information


Another vital element to pay attention to is your contact information. Ensure that you put in the correct details (your phone number and email address) to ensure that the recruiters can reach you when they need to.

Not Matching Your Responsibilities with Quantifiable Results


If you held specific responsibilities such as leading a team in your previous organisation, your recruiters would want to see the numbers to back it up. E.g. the return on investments, number of people managed, retention stats and more. This will vary depending on the roles you had.

Including Too Much Information


Your resume should be a summary of your background, skills, accomplishments and experience. Stick to the highlights and avoid overloading your resume´ with information that could make it too bulky to read.

Not Using The Right Keywords

KEYWORDS word concept on wodden blocks. internet concept

It’s crucial to ensure that the keywords in your resume match those in the job posting. This is because most recruiters need to sieve through hundreds of resume´s to find the ones that meet their requirements, primarily if they use an Automated Tracking Systems (software that is built to scan resumes to determine which are eligible).

Using Generic Resumes


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Avoid using a ‘one size fits all approach’ when applying for jobs. Ensure that your resume is tailored to the post you are applying to and that it meets the requirements stated. By doing this, you’ll be showing how much of a meticulous applicant you are.

Including Unnecessary Personal Details


Information such as your religion, tribe, state of origin, home address, gender and date of birth (unless otherwise stated) are not to be included in your resume. It would help if you focused more on your skills, education and work experience, as those are important factors that could help you get employed.

Being Too Vague


Another pitfall to avoid is being too vague in your resumes. Always ensure that your descriptions and sentences are clear and concise so that your hiring manager(s) don’t find them too difficult to read. It’s imperative to ensure that your resume´ is easy to understand.

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