Shot of a young businesswoman relaxing at her desk in a modern office

How to Practice Self-Care At Work

What comes to mind when you think of self-care? You probably picture yourself drinking wine in a hot tub, maxing out your credit card on a shopping spree, going out on a spa date or something more expensive and exciting. While these are certainly examples of self-care, they do not particularly define it.

In a country that survives on the hustle of its inhabitants who work over 40 hours in a week, it sometimes seems impossible for the average employee to practice self-care. That’s why it’s important to engage in ‘little’ bits of it, everywhere, especially the workplace- which is undoubtedly one of the most stress-inducing environments we have to deal with.

Here are some self-care habits you can develop at work, starting from today:

Ask for Help


There’s no harm in asking for help at work when you need it. Being a smart, dedicated, hardworking genius doesn’t mean you’ll have it always have it all figured out. You can always do with some help, especially when you’re stumped or overwhelmed.

‘Listen’ to Your Body


Your body has ways of notifying you that it’s been stressed or overworked, so you should pay attention to the signs. Headaches, fatigue, dizziness and aches are just a few of these signs. Take a break, go for a walk, take a breather. You can’t give your best if you’re expending too much of your energy.

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Identify Your Stressors


A great way to actively practice self-care is to know the factors and scenarios you stress over and find ways to deal with them. What are your stressors? Deadlines? Presentations? Working under pressure? Working alone? Working with too many people in a team? Fast-paced workspaces? Stress is relative and it looks different to everyone, so it’s advisable to identify the causes so you can work your way around them.

Stay Organized


Having an organized daily work schedule will increase your productivity and reduce stress. From having a daily to-do list to tidying your desk, staying organized will help you feel better and perform better at your workplace and you won’t feel so physically and mentally stressed.

Set Boundaries


Sometimes, being a bit too accessible could lead to stress and burnout, especially when you’re working on a task. You should let your colleagues know if you’d prefer to not be interrupted while working on a project or that you’ll need some time alone, to recharge and regain your energy.

Take Advantage of Your Break Periods


You have work periods for a reason. Use them to refuel, recharge and rejuvenate. Have a healthy lunch, take a walk, listen to music or do something else that makes you feel at ease. This helps to take your mind off work by adding some relaxation to your day.

Go Easy on Yourself


Fast-paced work environments could lead you to place yourself under undue pressure and set extremely high standards for yourself. Always try to take things easy and don’t be so hard on yourself, especially if you made a huge mistake at work or a certain thing you were working on didn’t go as planned. Learn from your mistakes, put your setbacks behind you and work smarter. ?

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Pat Yourself On The Back


It’s quite easy to get so caught up in work that you forget how much effort you’re putting in. Enjoy and celebrate your wins and successes, no matter how ‘little’ they might seem and reward yourself with a gift or something special from time to time (but don’t get too carried away).

Learn to Politely Decline


Being a good team player is a great way to contribute effectively at work. However, it’s important to know your limits and say a polite ‘No’ when you can’t do something. If a colleague asks you to help out with some extra work which would overburden you or affect the quality of work you have on your desk, you can always politely decline, stating your valid reasons. This helps to ensure that you aren’t pushing yourself beyond your limits.

Avoid Bad Vibes


Stay away from people and situations that bring negative energy and put you down. If you notice that certain individuals at work have a way of rubbing off bad vibes and triggering you, you should keep them at arm’s length. Avoid engaging in stressful and controversial arguments, petty discussions, and anything that could affect your productivity and the quality of work you put in.

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