10 Ways To Spot A Likeable Entrepreneur

There are many entrepreneurs out there, some successful, approachable and likeable, while the rest are other things. Every entrepreneur does not have to follow the same path to success. But if you want to be loved and taken seriously by clients and onlookers, then you need to understand what a likeable entrepreneur would do.

Here are some of their characteristics;

1. They make you feel special.

When they meet someone, they treat and handle the person as though he was the Chairman of a multinational conglomerate. Everyone has value and held in high esteem, making their visitors feel unique and important and willing to cooperate.

2. They act fast.

By the time you’re thinking about it, they have gone ahead and done it. In their affairs, there is no room for procrastination. As the opportunity comes, they are running with it.

3. They are unpredictable.

They pride themselves with the ability to adapt. They know how to use a boom or doom in an economy to their favour. They don’t follow a single path; they are risk-takers.

4. They have various skills.

One skill acquisition is not enough for them. As long as they are alive, learning and building oneself are of great importance to them. As a likeable entrepreneur, you don’t have to be the accountant of your own company to have a basic knowledge about it.

5. They have a plan.

Even though they take risks and leap at opportunities, this doesn’t mean they put the cart before the horse. They are not clueless as they map out their plans and develop different scenarios and route they can take to achieving their goal.

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6. They don’t give up easily.

Failure is not an opportunity to quit. Still, a stepping stone towards success as likeable entrepreneur understands that failing shows you one way your project won’t work and opens doors to other alternatives.

7. They are resourceful.

They can find quick and smart ways to overcome difficulties. They can be counted on, to find a way.

8. They plan ahead.

They are proactive. They do not wait until the last minute to make a decision. They draw up actual plans before they begin a project.

9. They talk about their achievements.

You have to know how successful they have been so that you can be enticed into joining their camp. The write autobiographies about themselves or books on how to be successful. For one to patronize you, they need to see how you’ve been successful taking the same path you’re leading them through.

10. They know how to say ‘thank you’.

How cool is it to have a Boss who knows how to say thank you, when a good deed has been done, appreciate their staff for efforts made, and apologize when they are wrong? That’s what a likeable entrepreneur looks like.

Do you have what it takes to be a likeable entrepreneur? Evaluate yourself and share your findings with us.

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