How To Identify A True Foodie

We all have our favourite meals, don’t we? But some love food more than the average man. Haha! They know themselves. They are generally called ‘foodies’.

Even though some “foodies” can be very pretentious about it, there’re stylish ways to identify them (lol!).

Have a look!

1. ‘I made it myself’ Gang


Do you have that one friend who would send you pictures of exclusive recipes of meals they make, after watching it on TV for the first time? They have food blogs and love to invite people to join them. Now, that is one cool foodie with class. ?

2. The ‘I Too Know’


They know every restaurant in town and their speciality. They know when there will be a discount at the supermarkets. They know the exact date of the corn season too. Any information concerning where to get what, ask them.

3. Mo Gbo Mo Ya


That means ‘I heard and I branched’. It’s a common phrase in Naija for people who show up at parties uninvited so that they can eat free food.

4. Food Professor


They know the name of every food on the planet and the right pronunciation. Have you heard of meals like La Bonnotte Potatoes, Matsutake Mushrooms, Ayam Cemani Chicken and Trifola d’Alba Madonna (White Truffles)? Ask them, they’ll know.

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5. The Food Snob


Humph! Always sticking up their nose. Nothing is good enough for them. For every meal you present to them, they have had better ones at better restaurants.

6. Food Hooker


They are the opposite of the food snobs. They eat anything edible, as long as you’re offering. Nothing is too salty or drab. Nna, food is food o!

7. ‘I eat once a day’ Crew


LOL… it can be hilarious when you watch these people. They’d tell you about how they do not eat much, and eat just once a day, but when you witness them eat, you are sure to spot almost every meal you know on that table.

Have you just realised you are a foodie yourself or you know someone who is? Hit us up with your comments.

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