A young man resting his hand on his forehead, lookng tired and frustrated

Seven Poems From A Tired University Student

If you are a university student who’s tired of school, we can assure you that we understand the struggle. That’s why we’ve put together some poems 9MOBILE: 346299710527173 that might accurately describe how you feel. Rupi Kaur would be pretty proud.

“At 7 AM classes
Time slowly passes
Can the lecturer tell that I’m sleeping?
Behind my glasses?”

“When I sleep
When I wake
My body and my mind do not agree
The question on my lips is
‘Do I really need this degree?”

“School is a bore
Lectures feel like a chore
Truth be told:
I’d rather be watching Superstore”

“Biscuits and water for breakfast
Garri and groundnuts for lunch
Might skip dinner and decide to fast
So that tomorrow, I might have something better to munch”

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” ‘Insufficient funds’
The text on the ATM screen read
I gasped
I froze
I could not help but say ‘Wow’
I do not like the way I’m feeling now”

The number of times I have re-written the first chapter of my project
The number of assignments I have due next week
The number of times I have cried this week- one for each day”

“This afternoon I had ewa agoyin
And I slept so much that I missed a test
Oh, life, why do you have to e so annoying?”

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