Things to Avoid Doing on Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is Coming And These Are Seven Things You Should Avoid Doing

Ghosting The Person You’ve Been Talking To

You might not be a huge fan of the special day or you might be too broke to celebrate it this year. However, those are not excuses to ghost that person you’ve been talking to. If you’ve been chatting consistently with them during the talking stage, it would be horrendous to vanish into thin air simply because you’re too timid to tell them you aren’t interested anymore, or that you can’t celebrate Valentine’s AIRTEL: 5096070183011127 Day this year. Don’t be a jerk.

Making Fun of Your Single Friends

Okay, we get it. You’re boo’d up, in love, in a great relationship and off the market. But please, for Heaven’s sake, do not rub it in the faces of your friends or spite them for being single.

Blowing Through All Your Money

If you are a big romantic who loves to pull all the stops and go all out to celebrate the special person in your life, you need to know when and how to restrain yourself. Before you make any big expense(s), make sure you give your savings account a hard look to ensure you do not end up resenting yourself once Valentine’s Day is over. Remember that the 14th of February is only the middle of the month and you’ll have two more weeks. To avoid premium tears, plan ahead and do not go overboard.

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Drunk Texting Your Ex

You’ve probably watched enough romcoms to know that drunk texting could lead to regrets. You don’t want to wake up from a terrible hangover to realize that you sent mushy messages to your ex, asking them to take you back (even though you told them to get out of your life). Avoid see finish oh.

Risking Your Health Because of Love

Remember COVID-19 is still outside oh. Don’t go around kissing strangers or attending parties because you are looking for a potential bae. Don’t catch a virus because you’re catching feelings, beloved.

Beating Yourself Up

Look, being single on Valentine’s Day is not a crime. Sure, it would be lovely to spend the day in someone’s arms, watching a movie and eating tasty food, but if you don’t get to do that this year, it’s totally okay. Look for something fun to do and talk to people you care about you. Na single you single, you no kill person.

Making Empty Promises

Love can be intoxicating, causing you to say things you do not mean and make promises you cannot keep. So, this year, do not set yourself up by making empty promises and commitments to please anybody.

Leading People On

Do not enter relationships, go on dates with people or accept romantic gifts from people you aren’t interested in out of pity, or because you do not want to be alone. Your fear of being single or missing out on all the fun on Valentine’s Day shouldn’t push you into deceit.

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Ruining The Fun for Everyone

Valentine’s Day might be a super corny day to you, but to several other people, it’s a romantic day they look forward to every year. So, if you see couples posting pictures or doing mushy, romantic things, don’t rain on their parade. Bad belle is not allowed, abeg.

Harassing or Assaulting People

No means no. If you ask someone out or make advances to a person and they decline, it is well within their rights to do so, and it is your duty to leave them alone. Harassment, assault, molestation, drink spiking and stalking are acts that should be shunned, not only on Valentine’s Day but every other day.

What are some other annoying things people should avoid doing this Valentine’s Day?

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