Young male freelancer using laptop working at home during Coronavirus quarantine.

When You Need to De-Stress While Working From Home, Try These Tips

There are several things we’re still trying to get used to, during this period, such as: wearing a mask often, avoiding hugs and…working from home. While conventional work has its stipulated resumption and closing times, working from home seems to defy those time frames. Also, unlike traditional work, it’s almost impossible to simply ‘leave work at the office’.

This could lead to an increase in stress and pressure, which—if not managed properly— could lead to significant physical and mental health issues and affect the quality of your work.

If you find yourself battling work-related stress at home during this period, here are some techniques that will help you de-stress and manage it better:



Journaling is a fantastic technique to help you channel your thoughts and reduce stress. With journaling, you can document your thoughts and emotional responses to scenarios and situations. By doing this, you can recognize the scenarios that trigger you or lead to stress and develop ways to deal with them.

Prioritizing Sleep


If you continuously deny your body of healthy hours of sleep, it could take a significant toll on your health. Try to ensure that you maintain a healthy sleep pattern by retiring to bed early, avoiding caffeine at night time and limiting your screen time before you sleep. By doing this, you’ll help your body get enough sleep which will leave you feeling well-rested and rejuvenated to take on your tasks the next day.

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Whipping Out A Detailed Schedule


One of the best things you can do during this period is to make a flexible schedule/ routine and stick with it. A schedule helps you to stay composed and organized while helping you create and maintain some structure. When doing this, it’s always important to focus on your challenging tasks first and optimize your most active hours (those periods when you work best and more efficiently). Your schedule can take the form of a detailed to-do list, calendars or mobile apps.

Avoiding Unnecessary Multitasking


You might feel guilty for deciding only to do a certain number of tasks in a day and at a certain period, but the truth is- it’s the best thing to do. Don’t try to overburden yourself with work to compensate for the fact that you’re working from home. Taking on too much work at the same time could hamper your productivity and lead to stress.

Getting Active


Spending hours on your computer will not do your body any good. Try to get up and move around at intervals. Also, set out time to exercise or take long walks. This will help you stay active and eliminate stress.

Cutting Yourself Some Slack


Don’t get caught in the faux web of ‘being busy’. It’s completely okay if you decide to take a break to watch a movie or a couple of videos on YouTube. Doing this will help you feel more relaxed and will help to ease off the stress.

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