Young male student studying

Study Hacks For Every Student

If you often find it hard to concentrate and study, you’re not alone. Many believe that of all the struggles students face (making new friends, trying not to go broke, etc.), researching and trying to put a whole semester’s worth of lectures into your brain tends to be the hardest.

How then can you hack this successfully? Read on…

Read Progressively

Most students have the habit of waiting until the eve of an exam before they start studying. In most cases, they cram all the words into their heads and hope to pour it out in the exam hall. Hours after, they don’t remember what they read. If you find yourself in this situation, you’re most likely putting way too much info in your head in a short time. The best way to study is to do it progressively. Have a structured reading timetable to help you review at intervals so that you can understand and process each topic better.

African student studying in a library

Take Notes Using Coloured Pens

Colours are more powerful than you think. They make studying better by helping you memorize and retain knowledge. When writing, you can alternate between two colours. Red and blue are the most recommended colours, as they aid concentration. You can also use highlighters to select the significant points you want to remember and take note off.

Coloured pens and highlighters

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Listen To Music

Music helps you feel relaxed, leaving you to focus on your studying. So, you might want to play soft music to help you calm your nerves. However, please note that listening to music while studying is pretty subjective, as it doesn’t work for everyone. Hence, understand your body system and know what works for you.

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Male African student studying in the library while listening to music

Take Breaks

A great way to study effectively is to take breaks at intervals. You can take a break from studying every 30 or 45 minutes. Get up, take a walk, stare out the window. Taking a break helps you make sure your brain is relaxed, so you can process and understand what you have read in a better way.

African man taking a break by the window

Record The Lectures

It might sound a bit weird, but it definitely works. Record important lectures via your phone and listen to them later to help you comprehend better. You’d have to ask your coursemates to stay quiet during lectures, though! LOL!

Voice Recording

Study In Groups

A lot of people prefer reading alone for several reasons. However, studying in a group is very helpful. By engaging in group study discussions, you can teach one another different topics over and over, making it easier to remember what you read.

A group of students studying together

Don’t Miss Out On Your Sleep

You don’t need to skip sleep to study. Plan your study and read up on all you can, so you can get in those good hours of sleep to calm your brain and keep your body well-rested. Who knows, you might dream about the exam questions!

Young lady getting some sleep

Please note that you’re advised to study your body system and deploy the hack(s) that works for you.

Do you have other study hacks that have helped you? Share them in the comments section!

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