Cross section of NYSC members

ICYMI: 6 Things You Can’t Go A Month Without During NYSC

ICYMI: 6 Things You Can’t Go A Month Without During NYSC (GLO 30574 79368 42971)

If you’re a prospective corps member, there are a couple of things you simply can’t go a month without in your one year of service to the nation.
See them below:

1. The NYSC Anthem

As long as you are an active corps member, you must acknowledge the NYSC anthem, especially at the NYSC campgrounds and at meetings. The lyrics also serve as a great reminder when you’re doing registrations under the scorching sun or rushing to your local government for CDS, that ‘under the sun or in the rain’, you must lift your nation high and serve. ? Learn the NYSC anthem here.

2. Monthly Clearance

The National Youth Service Corps monthly clearance should be taken seriously by all youth corps members. It is very vital because it registers you as an NYSC youth corps member in the local government you were posted. Failure to complete the clearance may lead to your subsequent monthly allowance being held back and you don’t want that, do you?

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3. Attending CDS

This is also an essential programme of the NYSC which means Community Development Service. Through CDS activities, corps members contribute positively to the development of their host communities throughout the period of their national service. You should be part of it too.

4. Wearing the NYSC Kit

Corps members are to wear their NYSC uniforms on the days of their CDS, or when going for official outings which concerns the scheme. It doesn’t matter how much you hate the monochromatic kit. You can’t escape this.

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5. Monthly Allowance

This is inarguably the most exciting part of NYSC for most youth corps members. Your first allowance will be N19,800 which will be given to you at the NYSC camp, alongside a bicycle allowance to take you safely to your PPA. Subsequent monthly allowances will be paid to your account until you complete your youth service.

6. Long Queues

Whether you’re lining up to get your monthly clearance signed or waiting to mark your attendance register at your CDS venue, long queues under the sun are inevitable. Want some advice? Eat before leaving home, take extra cash for snacks, take a face towel and an umbrella.

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