FCMB Debit Car Fraud

Tips to avoid debit card fraud

One of the significant realities of the current world is that most of our transactions take place online with the aid of our debit card. Think about it; from online stores to ride-hailing apps, learning platforms and more, our transactions are increasingly becoming digitalized.

The implication of this is, you use your debit card for almost everything- membership subscriptions, shopping online, ordering cabs, and so much more. With so many transactions to make, it’s important to ensure that you do not fall victim of debit card scams.

Here are some helpful tips to help you:

A. Use your debit card on a secure website

Don’t be so carried away checking out items in your online cart and paying subscriptions that you forget to verify how secure the website you’re using is. Secure websites always have ‘https‘ at the beginning of the URL, so make sure you confirm this before proceeding to use your debit card.

B. Protect your computers and devices from viruses and malware

It’s crucial to ensure that your computer is protected and free from viruses. Make sure you install trusted and updated antivirus software, not just any software that pops us as an ad. Hackers can use malware and even fake antivirus software to steal your information.

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C. Avoid making online debit card purchases on public computers

Using public computers (e.g. at a cybercafé) to make online card transactions could put you at risk. Sometimes, those computers have harmful software that could capture your login information and debit card number. Be cautious!

D. Be wary of public networks

Very few things are as tempting and exciting as free wi-fi. However, you should be careful before connecting, even if you are making use of your personal computer. If the owner of the network is shady, he/ she could use it as bait to gain access to your personal information. Also, a hacker connected to the same network could do the same. You should only connect to a free network if you are familiar with the owner. Stay safe and secure.

E. Be wary of “fraud calls”

Yes, we’ve all received one or two calls from fraudsters posing as staff of banks, requesting for your card details. No matter how serious and convincing they sound, DO NOT give out your card details to anyone who calls. Debit card thieves have been known to use this method to trick people into giving out them their debit card number.

Always remember that your online security is your priority!!!

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