Recent graduates can relate to these scenarios

Recent graduates can relate to these scenarios (MTN 2331 2785 0704 86124)

If you recently graduated, congratulations! Four/ five years of hard work, sleepless nights, tests, assignments and the likes finally paid off.

For laughs, see hilarious scenarios you sure can relate to!

When you get home after graduation and realize you’re finally free.


No more tests, no more assignments, no more project supervisor wahala, no more sleepless nights, whew!

Then it dawns on you that it’s all over and you might not see your friends for a longgg time


You might never see some of the friends you created memories with again. It’s sad but it’s true.

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When family members start saying ‘You’re not getting any younger. When are you getting married?’


‘Marriage? I don’t know what is.’

When your parents are already talking to you about getting a Masters’ Degree.


‘Can you people let my brain rest, please?!’.

When your friends say they can commit any crime now because you are a Law graduate


‘If you like, beat up an army officer. I’ll suddenly forget who you are’

Or when your parents tell you to come and fix the AC because you studied Electrical Engineering



When you find out one of your friends is already engaged.


‘That was quick!’

When you realize how tough the labour market is and you have to figure yourself out.


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This life feels like a pot of beans sometimes but we’ll get through it.

New graduates, what are your experiences so far? How are you finding life after graduation? Share with us!

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