First aid steps to save a drowning person

The moment you suspect that a person may be drowning or struggling for help in the water, assist the person by taking him/her out of the water if you can, or call the attention of a lifeguard. After taking the person out of the water, do the following immediately:



  • Lay the victim on his/her back on a flat surface.
  • Place your ear next to the person’s mouth and nose to check the breathing. Also, observe the chest to monitor breathing.
  • For an adult or child, place the heel of one hand on the centre of the chest at the nipple line. You can also push with one hand on top of the other. Avoid pressing against the ribs.
  • Let the chest rise completely between pushes.
  • Pause to see if the person has started breathing.

If the victim still doesn’t get conscious…


Mouth to mouth resuscitation

  • Tilt the head backwards by lifting the chin. This opens the airways.
  • Pinch the nose of the victim closed and then, completely cover the victim’s mouth with yours. Breathe strongly into the mouth of the victim to allow air to move through the passage of the lungs that has been covered with water.
  • Watch for the chest to rise.
  • Until the person starts breathing or an emergency help arrives, continue this cycle of compressions and breaths.




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Note that these procedures are not meant to replace CPR training. Classes are available through the Red Cross, local hospitals, and other organizations.


WebMD: Drowning Treatment

Family Education: Reviving Someone Who Has Drowned or Swallowed Water


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