FCMB is powering season 2 of  business day’s “The Bridge” series for young entrepreneurs

Are you a young entrepreneur? Have you been trying to discover financial secrets to run a successful business? Get ready for Business Day’s The Bridge Season 2, which is powered by FCMB and will be hitting your screens soon.

The Bridge is a TV series aimed at improving financial literacy amongst Nigerian millennials. It is designed to bridge the gap between young Nigerians who wish to start, grow and build a successful business and those who are already accomplished in their respective fields of endeavor.

The show is hosted by Arese Ugwu, author of the best-selling book, ‘’The Smart Money Woman’’ and will feature successful millennial business owners and celebrities every week, to find out about their financial models and important financial decisions in building a successful brand. Celebrity guests lined up include Falz, JJ Omojuwa, Adebola Williams, Mai Atafo and Tokini Peterside to name a few.

The first episode goes live on 13th September at 11:30 am on Silverbird TV, BusinessDay TV and our YouTube channel here.

So, if you are looking to grow your business, learn a few business ideas or are just trying to be more financially aware, tune in to The Bridge. It’s not only going to be insightful, it’ll also be so much fun to watch!

You can catch new episodes every Thursday on our YouTube channel here

Check out the trailer


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