4 tricks to taking cooler pictures

Pictures speak a thousand words and in this time and age, there’s no reason not to have them awesome. The camera used in taking the shot doesn’t matter as long as you follow these guidelines.

  • Location! Location!!

The background makes up about 80% of how dope your picture looks. Location matters a lot when taking pictures. Ensure the background is neat, balanced and colorful. Balance it out with your mood and outfit to sum up the whole composition.

  • Choose a facial expression

Don’t play ‘dead face’ when taking pictures. Give the onlooker a feel of your mood or at least find a hidden message by just staring at the cues your face gives off.

  • Let your eyes tell a story

A lot of people smile when taking pictures but fail to smile with their eyes. The eye is the window to the soul, so if you want your portraits to have depth, focus on maintaining conscious eye contact. Let your emotions reflect through your eyes.

  • Hand gestures must be live

When you’re feeling yourself and you’re about to take a shot, your hands need to take its own pose! Don’t let them hang loosely on your shoulders, but keep them working especially when taking multiple shots. You can do the peace sign, pointing to yourself, gasping with your hand over your mouth, etc. It gives your pictures more angles and accentuates the beauty of the shot.


What other tricks do you use when posing for a picture? Tell us in the comment section below!





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