How to open a Retirement Savings Account when you get your first job

Whether you’re fresh out of university/college or moving into a new career path, landing your first job can be pretty exciting. There are some things that should be set in motion as soon as you get your first job and opening a Retirement Savings Account is one of them.

Here’s how to get started:

● Research your Employer’s pension plan
It is important to find out if your Organization provides pension plans for their Employees. If they don’t, be sure to invite our sister company, Legacy Pension Managers Limited to come speak with the HR/Admin Personnel.

● Choose a Pension Fund Administrator (PFA)
It is your right as an Employee to choose the pension company with the right benefits to suit your interest and secure your future. Legacy Pension Managers Limited is a leading Pension Fund Administrator in Nigeria and with them, you’re assured of a happy and secure future.

● Talk to Human Resources/Admin
Inform your Human Resources Personnel or Admin of your decision so they can contact the PFA of your choice.

● Start Saving
The final step is to start making remittances into your Retirement Savings Account (RSA). There are two types of contributions:
1. The mandatory monthly pension contributions from you and your Employer which is required by law.
2. Voluntary Contributions you may decide to make to boost your retirement savings. Safeguard a happy future and retirement by choosing a trustworthy PFA.

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Remember, Pension is your right.



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