Today is World Savings Day and here are 5 important saving tips

“Saving money is the best gift you can give to your future self”

In celebration of #WorldSavingsDay which is observed every 31st of October each year, we are giving you 5 important saving tips that’ll guide you on your journey to being a financially independent adult.

    1. Get a savings account or an account for your saving – this is one of the first step to take when you’ve decided that you want to start saving money, keeping your savings in another account ensures that you don’t mix it up with your ‘spending’ money or don’t mistakenly spend it. An account that nurtures your savings and gives you tips on how to be a better saver is all you need for this and that account is the Flexx account, open yours here in 4 minutes and start saving right now!
    2. Have a plan for your saving/ to save – ‘anyone who fails to plan, plans to fail’. Having a saving plan/strategy is key to achieving your saving goals.
    3. Have a budget for everything – Budgeting ensures you don’t overspend and most times have left over to save, so budget everything and also leave some extra cash aside for miscellaneous.
    4. Keep a record of your savings and spending – there’s a joy that comes with seeing the progress you have made so far in your savings, this will help you know where to spend less and motivate you to save even more. So, always keep a record of everything.
    5. Got some extra/unexpected money? SAVE it


Remember that “saving money is the best gift you can give to your future self”. Happy #WorldSavingsDayFlexxer 


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