5 things you should be saving for right now

When we start earning some money or getting allowance, we sometimes get carried away that we forget to start saving for important things.

House rent For us young adults who just started living alone, it is very important that you don’t wait till last minute to start running helter skelter for rent fees. Our post here on saving for your house rent early can guide you.

Further education For those of us that plan to get another degree, saving for it now will ease off some of the pressure of the fees later in the future when you’re ready. You might even have the fees ready and complete by the time you get the extra admission.

Emergencies  The popular saying ‘no one knows tomorrow’ can be interpreted in many ways and one of such is, you can never tell what will happen tomorrow, hence the need to have some savings set aside for emergencies and rainy days.

An account that offers you banking without stress is what you need in times of emergency and your Flexx account offers all that and more, open yours here in 4 minutes and start saving!

End of the year events The year is drawing close an end and we know how busy and fun-filled the holiday is, so start saving for all your turn-ups, travels and just have funnnnn.


Saving for retirement is very important and the little savings we put aside from now will amount to a huge sum of money in the future.


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