How to pitch your campus business to investors

We mentioned some ways in which you can raise funds for kickstarting your campus business in this post. However, If you need to expand your business or If your campus business is going to need a lot of funding, raising funds from investors is your best bet, there are different ways/methods of raising funds via investors but the most important aspect is convincing anyone to invest in your business, this is known as pitching. How then do you make a convincing pitch? Read on Flexxer…

Brief is best: Plan and prepare your pitch to not exceed 10 minutes, your brilliant business idea won’t mean much if you can’t pass across the main message in a few minutes, most investors don’t have much time anyways. The more concise you are, the more effective you will be, however, take time not to rush your words so that they’re not lost.

Pro tips

  • Always take at least one minutes less than the duration you gave them that you’ll take.
  • If you’re given a time frame to present, avoid going over the specified time, try as much as possible to finish at least 2 minutes before the time elapses
  • When using slides, don’t get stuck on one slide for more than three minutes.

Focus on the important aspects: buttressing the first point of how valuable an investor’s time is, it is very crucial that you focus on the vital points of your pitch, avoid getting carried away or digressing. Answer questions asked you promptly and adequately.

The following are core points of your pitch that should be focused on

  • What exactly is your product or service? Always have a demo/example of your product for the investors to see/handle
  • What is unique about your product or service? What sets it apart from others?
  • Define your target audience; explain this using demographic and psychographic attributes.
  • How do you intend to acquire your target audience as customers?
  • Show them how your business will make them richer: Investors are majorly interested in the returns on their investments so you have to explain how you intend to make them richer. Research on revenue model and select the one that best suits your business.

Be very passionate and enthusiastic: One thing investors look out for is genuine passion, they need to know that the business they’re about to invest into is not only in capable but also caring hands. Charge up your confidence and enthusiasm levels to 100% on your pitch day. Be clear, precise and sure in your speech, posture, and gestures. Practice your presentation properly before the pitch day and be prepared for questions.

Have an account that grows your funds: It is not enough to raise funding for your business if you’re not going to keep and make transactions with it using the bank account that welcomes you into the world of financial possibilities and avenues to get more funding. Open your Flexx account here and watch your business bloom



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