Budget friendly but fancy Valentine gift ideas

Hey there lovely Flexxer,

Who do you most fancy this beautiful valentine season?

Make that person’s Valentine without breaking the bank with these affordable but heartwarming gifts.

  • ChocolatesChocolates or happiness factory as we like to call it here never fails to elicit squeals of happiness from everyone. A box or twenty-two (we kid) should do.
  • Flowers Flowers have the ability to touch hearts and make people smile, so a nice and sweet smelling bouquet should do the trick here. You can also send a single stalk especially when it’s accompanying another gift.
  • Pizza  Simply because “Who doesn’t love Pizza?”
  • Shoes If there’s one thing most people never have in excess, it is shoes. Everyone loves being gifted shoes, make sure you get the right sizes though. There are many affordable and lovely shoes, just go shopping with your Flexx debit card and you’re guaranteed a fantastic time.
  • A customized or handwritten cardFew things are as sweet and heartwarming as a customized or handwritten card, it shows thoughtfulness and dedication. So, got something special you want to say to that person this Valentine? Say it with your card.
  • Books Bookworms love love love getting books, so if your Valentine is a bookie; simply get him/her books especially one by their favourite author and watch their faces light up!

We also have a special valentine gift for you this season, Yes we do!

We want to give you a chance to win back the money you spend on these gift ideas. Simply pay for the gifts with your Flexx debit card, the payments must add up to 5,000 Naira or more in a week and you can win back 10,000 Naira next week! This promo only runs through February so hurry! Read more here


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