6 top secrets to looking good all the time.

Looking good has little to do with money or fashion labels, sometimes all it takes to have the ladies swooning is as little as that magical smile of yours or that sparkle in your clean shoes. The following tips are guaranteed to up your handsome game to 99.9 %.


Clean up:

Via Answersafrica

Your hygiene as a Flexxing guy should be top notch, irrespective of looks or clothing labels, a clean looking, nice smelling, neat nailed guy will always garner second looks and appreciation glances. So, clean up guys, use deodorants, wear clean clothes, moisturize your skin, keep neat nails,  trim your hair regularly or comb properly if you’re keeping a ‘fro; as for beards, decide how you want to keep it and stick to that. Remember, rough beards are a no-no. Do all these and watch your fine boy meter go all the way up.

Wear fitted clothing:

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Oh! The wonders of well-fitted clothing on a man, the way your clothes look on your body reflects your style; know the kind of fashion items that compliments your body type, skin colour and build. Avoid ill-fitting, oversized or undersized clothes (Guys that wear their younger sisters skinny jeans, we’re side eyeing you). 

Roll those sleeves: This is best for times when you’re a jacket or an additional layer of clothing, rolling your shirt sleeves gives you this really cool look. You can also roll the sleeves of short sleeve shirts and even the occasional T-shirt sleeve.

Belt and shoes combination: Looking good is an art and all the rules must be obeyed. To achieve that polished and refined look, always ensure that your belt and shoes are the same shade of colour especially when your belt will be exposed.

Posture is everything: Few things speak “handsome” from a mile away than a man who stands/sits upright and walks tall and proud. Not only will this make you look dapper, it will also improve your mental and emotional well-being and endear people to you. Do not slouch or bend your head all the time as this will send off the wrong vibes to people.

Always wear a smile: One of the most beautiful and inexpensive thing you can ever adorn is a smile, it lightens up your face, makes you look younger and fills you up with happiness and we know the ladies love a happy man, right? So shine your 32 bro and ride the handsome wave all the way uppppp!


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