These 5 tips can make your first interview go smoothly

Done with school and or NYSC and you’re ready to take on the world right? Well, the job market is tough and 9 times out of 10, you will have to do an interview before you can get a job.  Knowing the following can help you have a smooth first job interview.

  1. Practice: Preparation is key to succeeding and as such practicing will help with your confidence that day, you can ask a friend or family member to help you practice, look for sample interview questions to make it more real. Also, carry all necessary and required documents along.
  2. Research the company:  One key thing to do before attending any interview is to read up on the company and know their goals, vision, and mission. This will help you answer their questions smartly and let them know that you are genuinely interested in working with them; showing them that you understand their business and objectives can increase your chances of being hired.
  3. Know Job duties and responsibilities of the role you’re applying for: This is very important, most people are so eager to get a job that they do not know or fully understand the tasks and responsibilities that comes with the positions they’re applying for. Some make the grave mistake of letting a recruiter know this during an interview and as such, their chances of getting the job are greatly reduced.
  4. Be prepared for any test: Some recruiters do not inform job seekers about tests when inviting them for an interview and as such, it is important to be learned on cognitive and deductive reasonings, be familiar with the current affairs of the country and have a good grasp of English language as you can take aptitude tests and even write essays on the spot in an interview. More often than not, these tests are part of
  5. Have at least 3 questions that you want to ask: One of the things that’ll make you stand out amongst a set of job seekers is asking questions during your interview. This shows that you are interested in the organization and most interviewers expect questions from you anyways which is why they ask if you have questions to ask them. However, avoid asking questions relating to benefits and leave days.


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